Anne-Karin is an experienced international arbitration lawyer and well-versed in other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), especially mediation. She advises clients in commercial arbitration proceedings in accordance with the rules of key arbitral institutions and has an excellent track-record in investor-state arbitration.
In addition to her advocacy work before international tribunals, Anne-Karin serves as arbitrator and acts as CEDR accredited mediator in multi-jurisdictional commercial disputes. As an IMI certified mediation advocate, Anne-Karin accompanies clients in negotiation and solution-generating processes, managing party dynamics and assisting in the formulation of legally sustainable solutions. She also advises in litigation proceedings before the Austrian state courts, in particular in proceedings for the domestic enforcement or setting-aside of international arbitral awards and serves as court-certified legal interpreter/translator (English).
Anne-Karin currently serves as the President of the Austrian Arbitration Association (Arb|Aut) and is a member of the Mediation Advisory Board of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC). She is also a member of the Panel of Conciliators of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). In 2022, the European Commission selected her for its new pool of arbitrators for appointment in bilateral disputes under EU trade agreements with third countries. In 2024, Anne-Karin completed her second term of service as a member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration.
Anne-Karin serves as lecturer at the University of Vienna, Austria, and in renowned international legal programs.